On the 4th November the mtc Drupal team went to one of the largest Drupal events in Manchester, Drupal Unconference with talks exploring automated testing, optimisation, and usability.
One of the most interesting talks from the event was by a maintainer of a vast selection of modules. His talk covered how you write your tests for Drupal 8, and how it makes deploying new features to your site less intimidating. Automated tests allow you to check all existing functionality still works, when you add new features or fix a bug that you have found. This allows both the developer, and the client to be reassured that there site will continue to operate perfectly.
Another interesting talk was a talk on using the config split module. This module allows you to use different settings based on which environment you are deploying to eg development, and production. This is important as you may want certain modules to be enabled on your development site, but not enabled on live. Eg you would never want to install Devel on your live site.
Config Split is something we use on all our Drupal 8 projects, and so we felt a real sense of accomplishment that our team are continuing to pick tools that deliver value for our clients, and make sites easier to work with.
At the end of the event our team went away with new thoughts on building Drupal sites, but the reassurance that we continue to follow best practices.
If you have any Drupal requirements then mtc are very well positioned in this area and have delivered many World-Class Drupal solutions for our growing list of Drupal clients. Get in touch anytime here